So it´s been a while but I am still in this glorious chaos of a country called Brazil now ruled by a bunch of Gangsters and their buddies.

The quickest way to get up to speed about the Dilma impeachment and the Temer ascendancy is probably
this Metafilter thread, Country of the Future, Always the Future. The whole impeachment game is now seen for what it is; which was not so much as to oust Dilma but to shut down Lava Jato.

Temer has now lost three ministers in 36 days and the little externally reported HeliCoca affair has resulted with the principal suspect Gustavo Perrella being awarded a position in the Ministry of Sport as the Secretário Nacional de Futebol. You could not make this all up.

Meanwhile in a Cidade Maravilhosa otherwise known as Rio de Janeiro we are preparing or not preparing for the ultimate circus which is now 50 days away
The 2016 Olympic Games which will feature the new Olympic sports of Sailing and distance swimming in shit.
As guilty as the organizers and local authorities (well no-one is really as guilty as them) are the worlds sailing and endurance swimming associations who long ago should have said Clean it up or we don´t play.

Fancy swimming in this credit: Gawker Media

Super bacteria contaminates Olympic venues in Rio de Janiero, not only in the infamously disgusting Guananabara Bay where the sailing will happen, but also off the famed beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema.

As for Olympic legacies there won´t be many as the state has declared a financial emergency.
There was zero attempt to clean up Guanabara Bay.
The Ciclovia fell down.
The Metro extension to the major Olympic venue isn´t finished and neither is the downtown light rail system.
Salaries aren´t being paid, Schools are occupied, Public transport is collapsing and 85,000 police and military are being draughted in to keep the citizens under control and the tourists safe.

Whose safety credit: Independent Newspaper, UK

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